Reference Medical

Kim Phúc – la chica de la famosa fotografía de la «niña del napalm» inicia curso gratuito de tratamiento con láser UltraPulse

Kim Phúc - la chica de la famosa fotografía de la «niña del napalm» inicia curso gratuito de tratamiento con láser UltraPulse

Láser CO2 UltraPulse aparece en el DailyMail – realizando tratamiento de las cicatrices de quemaduras. Kim Phúc – la chica de la famosa fotografía de la «niña del napalm» – inicia curso gratuito de tratamiento con láser de las cicatrices para poner fin a su dolor crónico.

In this Sept. 26, 2015 photo, Dr. Jill Waibel, left, applies a laser to the arm of Kim Phuc to reduce the pain and appearance of her burn scars in Miami. Phuc's husband, Toan Huy Bui, stands at center with patient care coordinator, Deborah Lomax, right. While she spent years doing painful exercises to preserve her range of motion, her left arm still doesn't extend as far as her right arm. (AP Photo/Nick Ut / Associated Press Photos)
In this Sept. 26, 2015, photo, Dr. Jill Waibel, left, applies a laser to the back of Kim Phuc to reduce the pain and appearance of her burn scars in Miami. Phuc was burned in the back and left arm by a napalm bomb in Vietnam 40 years ago. The procedure creates microscopic holes in the skin, which allows topical, collagen-building medicines to be absorbed deep through the layers of tissue. (AP Photo/Nick Ut / Associated Press Photos)